Rif hotel, Meknes
The Location of Rif Hotel in Meknes in Morocco is at a distance of 300 kilometers from the railway station. The Location of Rif Hotel in Meknes in Morocco can be easily accessed by the tourists. The guests usually enjoy a nice stay in the peaceful Location of Rif Hotel in Meknes in Morocco. The Rif Hotel in Meknes in Morocco houses 153 opulent rooms. A host of Room Facilities at Rif Hotel in Meknes in Morocco is enjoyed by the guests. The huge list includes radio or alarm clock, telephone, air conditioning and a lot more. The air conditioned rooms will impart immense comfort to the guests. For lip smacking delicacies you can step into the in-house restaurants. The expert chefs serve some of the best cuisines. The swimming pool can be your mesmerizing focal point. The swimming pool is regularly cleaned.
Situation of hotel Rif
Location : City Center, - City of Meknes, in the touristic area of Fes, Morocco.
Details of Rif hotel
110 rooms
Nearby shopping
Nightlife restaurants
Leasure in Rif hotel
Evening Entertainment
Amenities in Rif hotel
Air Conditioning, Lobby, Restaurants, Hotel Bar

Business Amenities
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